The Next October initiative
The Next October initiative harnesses Israeli innovation to honor the memory of those lost
in the October 2023 Hamas War. More than 1,400 innovative startup companies will
commemorate the victims of the war, soldiers and civilians, while building innovative
products and services which will be implemented globally and will make for a better world.
A startup company is designated for each fallen soldier and for each civilian victim of the
war. Next October will track the progress of the commemoration activities over the years,
suggesting various initiatives for remembrance. Moreover, Next October adds ongoing value
to its startups through mentorship programs, connections with investors and networking
Startups participating in the Next October initiative commit to "doing good" as a core value.
They pledge to honor the victims of the war in various ways, depending on their capacity
and while keeping in mind the legacies of the victims they will be commemorating.
Find out more about Next October:

Tomer's mother Ayelet shares about him:
Tomer, a child of love, joy, freedom and the sea, spreaded light and love for humanity in the world.
He gave selflessly. In addition to helping friends and family with practical needs, as Tomer had golden hands and could fix anything that broke, he also helped the "invisible"—those who were too shy to ask for help. Honest, reliable, a good friend, generous, helping everyone, someone you could trust 100% to be genuine inside and out, sensitive, and kind-hearted.
He stood out in conversations and heart-to-heart advice, with great sensitivity. He possessed sharp and abstract thinking and deep understanding in every field.
A smart and handsome boy with a sense of humor, the life of every party. In fact, he was the life of any place he was present. He loved people, loved his family, and his friends.
Tomer's great passion was to live life well. To live with joy and simplicity, without pretense. From a young age, Tomer preferred to work in a way that left time for important essence, enjoying leisure activities like spending time with family and friends, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, adhering to good nutrition, a healthy body, physical activity, music, the sea, parties, pubs, and traveling.
Seemingly, Tomer's great achievement was winning first place in a bodybuilding competition, a project he took on just a few months before the competition. But in my eyes, his greatest achievement was having a heart of gold, generous, sensitive to others without personal gain, possessing a charming personality that positively influenced everywhere, successfully living as a free spirit, without "succumbing" to social conventions, without defiance, a free spirit loved by all.
תומר, ילד של אהבה, שמחה, חופש וים. פיזר אור ואהבת אדם בעולם.
ילד חכם ויפה , בעל חוש הומור, מסמר כל מסיבה . בעצם מסמר כל מקום שבו נכח. אוהב אדם, אוהב את משפחתו , ואת חבריו
התשוקה הגדולה של תומר הייתה לחיות טוב את החיים. לחיות בשמחה ובפשטות, ללא העמדת פנים. תומר העדיף כבר בגיל צעיר לעבוד כך שיישאר זמן למהות חשובה, להנאה רבה משעות פנאי כמו בילוי עם משפחה וחברים, אורח חיים בריא, הקפדה על תזונה טובה, גוף בריא, פעילות גופנית, מוזיקה, ים, מסיבות, פאבים וטיולים.
לכאורה, ההישג הגדול של תומר היא הזכייה שלו במקום ראשון בתחרות "באדי בילדינג", פרוייקט שלקח על עצמו חודשים ספורים לפני התחרות. אך בעיניי ההישג הגדול שלו הוא שהוא היה בעל לב זהב, נדיב, רגיש לזולת ללא רווח אישי, בעל אישיות קסומה שמשפיעה טוב בכל מקום, תוך הצלחה לחיות כנפש חופשיה, ללא "כניעה" לקבעון חברתי, ללא התרסה, נפש חופשית ואהובה על הכל.